Automated Labeling Solution Case Study

Global Beverage Company Uses Automated Labeling Solution to Apply Labels at a rate of 800 Bottles per Minute


The Situation

A large global beverage company was having issues with their product’s pricing label not being applied to the product in the retail environment as was expected. This allowed the retailer to charge more for the product, which ultimately led to a decline in sales. In this highly competitive market, the beverage company realized that they needed to do something quickly to regain their share of the market and increase sales. To do this, it required that they take control of the label application to ensure that the right price was being charged for their product.

    • Accurate pricing was not effectively being communicated to the consumer
    • High speed labeling equipment would be needed to apply the labels directly in the bottling line process, without slowing it down
    • The labeling equipment needed to fit within the current production line footprint
    • The labels needed to be applied at a high rate of speed of up to 800 bottles per minute 


    The Solution

    Equipment integrators TEAM Systems asked AWT to research and develop a label construction that would perform on their recommended high speed labeling equipment that operated at 400-800 bottles per minute. A construction was identified that would allow this in-line process to run at optimum speed without interruption.


    The Results

    With the collaboration between TEAM Systems and AWT, a winning solution was developed for this global beverage company. The high speed labeling equipment operates at their bottling line production speed without any slowdowns and the label construction performed without misfiring or mislabeling.


    The Bottom Line

      • The integrated high speed labeling solution (equipment and label construction) enabled application run speeds to exceed 800 bottles per minute and operate in a manner that does not impact their production flow
      • The in-line application provides assurance that the beverage price point is correctly being marketed in the retail channel
      • The Global Beverage Company has seen significant savings from avoiding the distributor or retailer having to hand apply the labels



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      Cold Chain Labeling

      The study and engineering of healthcare remedies began long before the mid 1800’s, but it’s around that time organic compounds like morphine became available commercially as a source of pain relief. The first rudimentary clinical trials occurred during the 1500’s, but it wasn’t until 1943 in the UK when the first double blind, regulated clinical trial took place. Since then, discoveries and breakthroughs in drug remedies have been occurring more frequently, and with greater complexity when it comes to molecular structure.

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      Global Beverage Company Uses Automated Labeling Solution to Apply Labels at a rate of 800 Bottles per Minute


      The Situation

      A large global beverage company was having issues with their product’s pricing label not being applied to the product in the retail environment as was expected. This allowed the retailer to charge more for the product, which ultimately led to a decline in sales. In this highly competitive market, the beverage company realized that they needed to do something quickly to regain their share of the market and increase sales. To do this, it required that they take control of the label application to ensure that the right price was being charged for their product.

        • Accurate pricing was not effectively being communicated to the consumer
        • High speed labeling equipment would be needed to apply the labels directly in the bottling line process, without slowing it down
        • The labeling equipment needed to fit within the current production line footprint
        • The labels needed to be applied at a high rate of speed of up to 800 bottles per minute 


        The Solution

        Equipment integrators TEAM Systems asked AWT to research and develop a label construction that would perform on their recommended high speed labeling equipment that operated at 400-800 bottles per minute. A construction was identified that would allow this in-line process to run at optimum speed without interruption.


        The Results

        With the collaboration between TEAM Systems and AWT, a winning solution was developed for this global beverage company. The high speed labeling equipment operates at their bottling line production speed without any slowdowns and the label construction performed without misfiring or mislabeling.


        The Bottom Line

          • The integrated high speed labeling solution (equipment and label construction) enabled application run speeds to exceed 800 bottles per minute and operate in a manner that does not impact their production flow
          • The in-line application provides assurance that the beverage price point is correctly being marketed in the retail channel
          • The Global Beverage Company has seen significant savings from avoiding the distributor or retailer having to hand apply the labels

