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Beverage Labeling Excellence

It’s a known fact that the labeling and packaging of an item can have tremendous influence over how people perceive a product, and it’s no different when it comes to the beverage industry. It’s widely known among product marketers that consumers usually select a product at the store withing 10-20 seconds. Packaging, then in fact, may be a make-it or break-it sales point when a consumer peruses a wine aisle and needs help choosing between the many Malbec varietals or a bottle of choice spirits.

At AWT Labels & Packaging, we’re committed to helping ensure your drink of choice stands out amongst the crowd. How? You ask. Take into consideration these elements when designing and printing a label for your product:

1. Appearance


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Of course, this seems obvious. But look to other labeling trends outside of the beverage industry and see what’s selling. Clear, concise message (simple is the new high-end standard). Flourishing font versus big block letters. The message on your beverage bottle will differ depending on the purposed occasion, target audience and price point.

2. Size & Shape

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The most common selections for beverages are square and rectangle. However, opting for a non-traditional shape (oval, anyone?) can add instant appeal on shelf. No matter which shape you choose, don’t forget to keep in mind the amount of information needed (such as a nutrition chart) and how much retail space each label shape would allow you.

3.Material & Decoration


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For your beverage product, you want the label to look good and stand up to the lifespan of the product. Base materials, varnishes, integrating metallic and creating 3D imagery to make the beverage label pop are techniques to help accomplish that goal.

4. Shrink Sleeves


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The fastest growing decorating process in beverage packaging today, shrink sleeves fit over the entire bottle and provide 360˚ of marketing real estate. With exciting/colorful bottle graphics, the product can really stand out and catch the consumers’ attention on the store shelf.

All of these can be discussed and explored with your AWT team. In fact, ideation is something we love to do—so give us a shout and see what we can help you come up with!

You put your heart and soul into crafting that perfect beverage recipe. Partner with the right labeling company to help create and print the branding that will make your efforts noticed. AWT is a Best in Class printer that will create nothing but best in class labels for your beverages.

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Cold Chain Labeling

The study and engineering of healthcare remedies began long before the mid 1800’s, but it’s around that time organic compounds like morphine became available commercially as a source of pain relief. The first rudimentary clinical trials occurred during the 1500’s, but it wasn’t until 1943 in the UK when the first double blind, regulated clinical trial took place. Since then, discoveries and breakthroughs in drug remedies have been occurring more frequently, and with greater complexity when it comes to molecular structure.

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Groundbreaking New RFID Study

AWT Healthcare partnered with one of our customers on a ground-breaking project to increase the refill rates for new prescriptions through the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. 

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It’s a known fact that the labeling and packaging of an item can have tremendous influence over how people perceive a product, and it’s no different when it comes to the beverage industry. It’s widely known among product marketers that consumers usually select a product at the store withing 10-20 seconds. Packaging, then in fact, may be a make-it or break-it sales point when a consumer peruses a wine aisle and needs help choosing between the many Malbec varietals or a bottle of choice spirits.

At AWT Labels & Packaging, we’re committed to helping ensure your drink of choice stands out amongst the crowd. How? You ask. Take into consideration these elements when designing and printing a label for your product:

1. Appearance


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Of course, this seems obvious. But look to other labeling trends outside of the beverage industry and see what’s selling. Clear, concise message (simple is the new high-end standard). Flourishing font versus big block letters. The message on your beverage bottle will differ depending on the purposed occasion, target audience and price point.

2. Size & Shape

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* Image from

The most common selections for beverages are square and rectangle. However, opting for a non-traditional shape (oval, anyone?) can add instant appeal on shelf. No matter which shape you choose, don’t forget to keep in mind the amount of information needed (such as a nutrition chart) and how much retail space each label shape would allow you.

3.Material & Decoration


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For your beverage product, you want the label to look good and stand up to the lifespan of the product. Base materials, varnishes, integrating metallic and creating 3D imagery to make the beverage label pop are techniques to help accomplish that goal.

4. Shrink Sleeves


* Image from

The fastest growing decorating process in beverage packaging today, shrink sleeves fit over the entire bottle and provide 360˚ of marketing real estate. With exciting/colorful bottle graphics, the product can really stand out and catch the consumers’ attention on the store shelf.

All of these can be discussed and explored with your AWT team. In fact, ideation is something we love to do—so give us a shout and see what we can help you come up with!

You put your heart and soul into crafting that perfect beverage recipe. Partner with the right labeling company to help create and print the branding that will make your efforts noticed. AWT is a Best in Class printer that will create nothing but best in class labels for your beverages.