Reducing Scrap and Customer Rejections

Customer Benefits

Cost Savings

  • $350,000 annually from saved safety components
  • Plus 23% savings in management of end customer part rejections

Quality Improvement

  • Eliminated 23% end customer part rejections
  • Saved 48,000 high-value parts annually
  • Reliable high performance adhesive to carry across critical applications 

The Challenge

End-customer was scrapping 23% of an expensive part due to missing traceability label when receiving their order

  • Contaminated surface area, small substrate curvature causing traceability label to fall off product at end original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
  • Costly part rejections by OEM customer due to inadequately performing label

The AWT Solution

  • Indentified the source of contamination and developed an aggressive adhesive system
  • Addressed application challenges for machine dispensing and placement in legacy manufacturing environment
  • Developed customized packaging and handling methods to ensure 100% usable material that does not flag or fall off the product

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Cold Chain Labeling

The study and engineering of healthcare remedies began long before the mid 1800’s, but it’s around that time organic compounds like morphine became available commercially as a source of pain relief. The first rudimentary clinical trials occurred during the 1500’s, but it wasn’t until 1943 in the UK when the first double blind, regulated clinical trial took place. Since then, discoveries and breakthroughs in drug remedies have been occurring more frequently, and with greater complexity when it comes to molecular structure.

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Customer Benefits

Cost Savings

  • $350,000 annually from saved safety components
  • Plus 23% savings in management of end customer part rejections

Quality Improvement

  • Eliminated 23% end customer part rejections
  • Saved 48,000 high-value parts annually
  • Reliable high performance adhesive to carry across critical applications 

The Challenge

End-customer was scrapping 23% of an expensive part due to missing traceability label when receiving their order

  • Contaminated surface area, small substrate curvature causing traceability label to fall off product at end original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
  • Costly part rejections by OEM customer due to inadequately performing label

The AWT Solution

  • Indentified the source of contamination and developed an aggressive adhesive system
  • Addressed application challenges for machine dispensing and placement in legacy manufacturing environment
  • Developed customized packaging and handling methods to ensure 100% usable material that does not flag or fall off the product