Your FDA Checklist for Personal Care & Beauty Product Packaging Requirements

FDA Checklist for Personal Care and Beauty Product Packaging Requirements
Beverage Labeling Excellence

It’s a known fact that the labeling and packaging of an item can have tremendous influence over how people perceive a product, and it’s no different when it comes to the beverage industry. It’s widely known among product marketers that consumers usually select a product at the store withing 10-20 seconds. Packaging, then in fact, […]
3 Ways the Look & Feel of Flexible Packaging Can Inspire Purchases

It’s no secret that the use of flexible packaging is on the rise. According to numbers generated by a Harris Poll chartered by the Flexible Packaging Association, 26% of all brands have increased their usage of flexible packaging in the past five years, and 31% intend to increase their flexible packaging usage in the next […]
5 Packaging Trends to Watch Out For in the Personal Care Space

Personal care is on the rise and, let’s be honest, everyone has different needs when it comes to choosing their products. However, while achieving the holy grail of differentiation is great, if you want to tell your potential customers anything, you have to get their attention first. This is where packaging can make or break […]
4 Easy Steps for Shrink Sleeve Success

Considering shrink sleeves for your product? We’re here to help! Check out these advantages of shrink sleeves and easy tips to get your project started on the right foot. Advantages to Shrink Sleeves
Flexible Packaging Trends

The use of flexible packaging continues to evolve as new film structures and applications come on –line. When you visit any retail or grocery store, there are plenty of examples of Brand companies using flexible packaging for their product package instead of rigid containers such as a standard box, jar or can. Cost savings play […]
Sustainability Is Not Just a Passing Fad

Sustainability is a real movement for change, both in what we do and how we look at things. The earth has limited resources and as its inhabitants, it’s our responsibility to reduce our negative impact on these resources. AWT is committed to helping create a sustainable world not only by implementing eco-friendly practices within our […]
Visibility Beyond the Store Shelves

Labels on beauty or personal care products have a unique opportunity to draw more visual interest on the store shelf than other products in, say, the insect repellent spray section of the store (no offense to bug sprays). If a beauty or personal product label has a dynamic and visually engaging design, not only will […]
The Easy Way to Reduce Food Label Obsolescence

What is Food Label Obsolescence & What Causes It? It’s frustrating when Brand Owners have to throw away labels because the brand copy, ingredients or nutritional facts change! Consequently, the obsolete labels are “trashed” and a brand new batch is produced with the updated information. The top two causes of obsolescence are commodity market fluctuation […]